2023-2024 Calendar

St. Mary of Lourdes’ is committed to assisting families in fostering their knowledge and understanding of who God is in their lives and in the lives of their children. We seek experiences, which will encourage us to continue to grow, to share, and to witness our faith in God.

The primary goal of St. Mary of Lourdes’ Children’s Faith Formation is, with the assistance of their parents, to increase the children’s and youth’s realizations of God’s infinite love for us and to enhance their response to His love by greater sharing and caring for each other. We strive to reach this goal by:

    • Teaching the fundamentals and fostering the understanding of our Catholic faith (study of the Scriptures, Church doctrine, values, and history);
    • Emphasizing Jesus’ life and mission and the blessings we receive when we imitate Him in our own lives;
    • Advocating the use of individual prayer and communal worship;
    • Promoting an on-going, life-long faith development process for all parishioners;
    • Participating in the Sacraments, especially Holy Eucharist.

We offer the following programming options for our children and youth:

  • PreK/Kindergarten – Age 4 and Kindergarten children experience each Sunday’s Gospel at their level of understanding through storytelling and activities. They are also introduced to a Saint each week and are taught the Sign of the Cross, Hail Mary and Doxology (Glory Be) prayers.
  • Children’s Ministry – Grade 1 through Grade 5 children and youth are taught utilizing the spiral curriculum where each year the faith concepts build upon what they learned the previous year by delving deeper into the concept each year. As they get older, children and youth grow in their understanding of topics through discussion and seeing how our faith is entwined within our daily lives. It is during Grade 2 that our children will be prepared to receive the Sacrament of Confession and Holy Communion.
  • EDGE Ministry – EDGE is geared to our youth in Middle School (grades 6-8). Our Middle School youth face many challenges and changes within 3 short years. EDGE seeks to help our Middle School navigate these challenges and changes through the eyes of our Catholic faith. EDGE provides a safe place for our youth to ask questions, express struggles and turn to their faith and to Jesus. Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is weaved into the weekly EDGE gathering in order that our youth are ready to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation during their 8th grade year.

2024-2025 Children’s & EDGE Ministries Registration & Program Information

Registration Information & Form: 2024-2025
Prayer Checklist
Prayers to Know

Sacraments of Confession & First Holy Communion

These two sacraments are received during your child’s 2nd Grade year. Information regarding these Sacraments is disseminated at two parent meetings that are held at the beginning of each sacramental preparation period. These dates will appear on the Parish Calendar and information will be sent home with your child.

Sacrament of Confirmation

Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is incorporated into EDGE Youth Ministry beginning in a youth’s 6th Grade year. Our preparation program incorporates service and learning and follows the program and curriculum guidelines put forth by the Diocese of Peoria.

General Confirmation Requirements

Expectations of Candidates, Parents & Sponsors – Explains the responsibilities and roles of the Confirmation Candidates, Parents & Sponsors

Service Hour Form – Please return completed Service Hour Form by March 1 of your 8th grade year.

Saint Name Report details  —  Please complete and return your Saint Name Report by January 15 of your 8th grade year.

Choosing a Confirmation Sponsor — Please complete the Sponsor Information section of this sheet and return no later than November 1 of your 8th grade year

Sponsor Form — Please have your sponsor complete and return this sheet no later than December 15 of your 8th grade year

Confirmation Data Sheet — Please complete highlighted items and return this sheet no later than December 15 of your 8th grade year

Ideas for Fostering the Candidate-Sponsor Relationship

Sponsor/Candidate Discussion Questions
20 Questions – Where Will the Conversation Take You?
Sponsor/Candidate Activities
Sponsor/Candidate Talking Points

Why do we choose a Saint Name?
If you click on the question above, you’ll be directed to a great explanation about why some Catholics choose a Confirmation name. The following appeared on the EWTN website regarding saints and can also provide a little bit of reasoning behind choosing a Saint Name.

From EWTN…
“Saints are the heroes of the Catholic faith. They lived lives in holiness, dedicated to serving God and spreading His message of salvation. Indeed, many Catholic saints courageously met their deaths simply because of their faith. Today, the saints serve as examples for all Catholics, showing us how to lead a more satisfying, more spiritual life in communion with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. They are reminders that this life will come to an end, and only what was done for Christ will have a lasting reward. Each saint’s story is a fascinating one. They lived at different times in different places throughout history, but they all shared a love of God that has been meticulously documented through the teachings of the Catholic Church.”

Saint Name Resources

To help your son/daughter choose their Saint name for Confirmation, take some time to peruse the following links:
Patron Saints
Patron saints are chosen as special protectors or guardians over areas of life. These areas can include occupations, illnesses, churches, countries, causes — anything that is important to us.
Saint Feast Days by Month
Each saint has a feast day on which their lives are recognized and celebrated within the Catholic Church. One idea for choosing a saint name is looking at a particular date that holds meaning for you such as your date of birth, baptism date, a date associated with a special person in your life, etc.
American Saints
Is there an American who has been canonized a saint whose life can serve as an example on how I should live my life?

Catechists and Volunteers

Any and all volunteers who work with children, supervised or unsupervised, must complete the Diocesan Screening and Training Program. Any volunteer who does not pass the screening process will immediately be removed from their position. All volunteers must also sign off on a Volunteer Code of Conduct, a Witness Statement, and the Annual Update Form regarding the Diocesan Policies and Procedures for working with children and youth. For these items, please contact the Religious Education Coordinator at reledco@stmarylourdes.org.

Catechist Volunteer Description
Substitute Catechist Volunteer Description
Diocesan Screening and Training Program

How do I find out more information?

For more information about our Children’s Faith Formation programs, Vacation Bible School, Sacramental Preparation or becoming a Catechist or volunteer, please contact:
Pam Brandt, the Religious Education Coordinator at reledco@stmarylourdes.org / 309-386-4460, or by completing the form below.

    PreK/Kindergarten Program

    Faith Formation Grades 1-8 Program

    Sacrament of Confession

    Sacrament of First Holy Communion

    Sacrament of Confirmation

    Catechists & Volunteers